These Travis files were created by

Carol Blackwood

using her own research files and typing in ALL the names

in the Everett Hustis Travis manuscript!


Husband: Jeremiah TRAVIS
Born: 7 JUL 1839 at: Married: 11 JAN 1862 at: Died: OCT 1925 at: Father:Jeremiah TRAVIS Mother:Mercy AGOR Other Spouses: Nettie WRIGHT
Wife: Esther Jemima BAXTER
Born: 29 JAN 1837 at: Died: 5 OCT 1900 at: Father: Mother: Other Spouses:
Name: Gould John TRAVIS Born: 11 SEP 1862 at: Married: at: Died: 24 APR 1863 at: Spouses:
Name: Luther TRAVIS Born: 21 MAR 1864 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Gideon Baxter TRAVIS Born: 27 OCT 1866 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses: Drusie DENNY Abbie Augusta HOAG
Name: W. Irving TRAVIS Born: 6 DEC 1867 at: Married: 20 AUG 1909 at: New Buffalo, Michigan Died: at: Spouses: Emma Caroline SCHULTZ
Name: Freddie Fuller TRAVIS Born: 15 JUN 1870 at: Married: at: Died: 1 NOV 1876 at: Spouses:
Name: Grace Eliza TRAVIS Born: 3 NOV 1881 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses: Kosta D. MOMIROFF
Name: Mary Lilla TRAVIS Born: 21 NOV 1884 at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:

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