These Travis files were created by

Carol Blackwood

using her own research files and typing in ALL the names

in the Everett Hustis Travis manuscript!


Husband: Edwin Phelps TRAVIS
Born: 16 MAY 1883 at: Otsego, Allegan, MI Married: 13 AUG 1928 at: Grand Rapids, Kent, MI Died: 18 OCT 1971 at: Jackson, Jackson, MI Father:Norman Leslie TRAVIS Mother:Louella Emily PHELPS Other Spouses: Daisy Leona ADAMS
Wife: Alma Lucinda LABATT
Born: 28 DEC 1906 at: Allendale, Ottawa, MI Died: 22 MAR 1993 at: Crestview Nursing Home, Grand Rapids, M Father: Mother: Other Spouses:
Name: Charles Peter TRAVIS Born: PRIVATE at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses:
Name: Rosemary TRAVIS Born: 1938 at: Married: at: Died: 1967 at: Spouses: Jack ALBRECT

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